Cambridge School

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Why Should I Attend Graduation?

A Letter from a Cambridge Parent and Trustee 

I joined the Cambridge family in 2004 when my oldest child was enrolled as a kindergartener. I also have two younger children, one of whom is currently in third grade at Cambridge. My roles at the school have varied greatly over the years from that of lunch duty volunteer, to library mom, to party mom, to field trip driver, to substitute teacher, to member of the Board of Trustees. Today I write to you as a parent who has seen her own children’s lives impacted because of a Cambridge School education. With certainty I can say to you: one of the most important days of a Cambridge education is graduation day. 
Maybe you’re in the stage of life where I once was: at home with a toddler and children in the lower grades. Why attend a graduation ceremony that my kid was not even part of?  Armed with snacks galore, I went anyway. Or maybe you’re where I am now: all the children are in school and the busyness of life takes over. Why make time in an already crammed end-of-the-year schedule to attend graduation? Absolutely, I will go anyway. To glimpse with hopefulness what lies ahead for my younger children, to remember with profound appreciation what was foundational for my older child, I will attend this year’s graduation celebration at Cambridge. I will cheer along with lower school teachers as they remember with fondness the graduates they taught. I will wipe tears from my own eyes as I watch proud parents and loved ones capture photos of their graduates. I will laugh as Dr. Blumenstein recalls some of the joyous antics from this year’s graduating class. I will listen with wonder as Scott Buresh and Heather Strube honor the graduates for not only all they have accomplished, but, more importantly, for how their love for one another and their faith in Christ has flourished because of their Cambridge education. And, I will rejoice along with our entire community as we sing the final strains of Jubilate Deo as the 2016 class of young ladies and gentlemen leave Cambridge School for the final time.

God always blesses me during this remarkable celebration. Graduation day is a profound commemoration for our entire Cambridge family. Indeed, it is a privilege to mark this passage as our graduates press onward. “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me… I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12,14).
With profound gratitude and praise to my Lord and Savior,
Julie Seal
Mom of Three Cambridge Students